Wednesday, November 09, 2011


"Here, here now. Don't Cry. You raised your hand for the assignment." ~Mother by Tori Amos

"I am the Lord, your God. There's majesty and splendor 'round about Me. It's very sad, but true, that very often your faith fails you and you doubt Me." ~The Job Experience by Mali Music

Confession time: I HATE COMPLAINERS!
Confession pt. 2: I complain BITTERLY and Constantly.

Yeah, I know it's hypocritical. Me and God are dealing with me. 
I've noticed something among my peers.  We have a very "children of Israel" mentality.  We piss and moan about our current state, we beg and plead with God for change.  When change comes we PISS AND MOAN About that TOO!!!!! 


How is it that we can get EXACTLY what we ask for and NEVER EVER be satisfied???  Are we that empty?  Are we that CHILDISH?  God has blessed us with abundance, He's called down plagues on our oppressors, He led us to freedom and promise, sustaining us all the while.  WHAT MORE DO WE NEED???????? 

We have it all, yet STILL the complaints come.  You want guidance but you don't like where you're led. You want money, but you don't like the job.  You raise your hand and say "Here I am, Lord!  SEND ME!" but you throw a tantrum when you get your walking papers.  What gives you the right to dictate how God does ANYTHING????  Who do you think you are???  Seriously?

Just....please....just stop.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Fatness and Food

I have come to the conclusion that if you put Brie cheese on anything....ANYTHING I will consume it without remorse.  Lady Gaga better NEVER wear a brie dress in my presence. That'll be the LAST you hear of her. TRUST.  (This statement is also true of Bacon.)

I've noticed that average (thin) people sometimes speak to overweight people as if the larger person didn't KNOW they were fat!!!  Like, WHY are you whispering to me about food and heart attacks???? Ooooohh wait...I'm FAT????!!!??  OH MY GOD!!!  CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!!!  DO MY PARENTS KNOW???

Let me explain something to my thinner brethren: sometimes a cupcake is the only thing standing between me and outright HOMICIDE.  Trust me. I'm performing a public service.  that's all for today!